1. The pot of lentils intended for dinner has fallen on the floor. Do you :
Start moping, then complain that this kind of thing always happens to you?
Kick the pot of lentils all over the kitchen and then light the place on fire?
Shout that they deserved to fall on the floor since they were fascist lentils
Calmly say, "They were old beans anyway, old bean."
2. You are at a party and are putting on the music. You look for :
Disco compilations
Hawkwind and Marillion
Human League and Cliff Richards
3. You are crossing the street and someone nearly runs you over. You proceed to :
Jump on their car and kick their windscreen in?
Present them with a lawsuit?
Give them the V sign?
Give them the peace sign?
4. You have been confronted with a man-eating lion. What do you do?
Tackle the lion with great gusto and pummel it into submission?
Scream in a really high voice and run away very, very fast?
Freeze in terror and promptly soil your pants?
Con the lion into signing an exclusive contract to perform in Vegas.
5. You are watching an unlicensed television. A TV detector van pulls up outside your door. Do you:
Have a fit, start crying, and blubber that you're 'Too pretty to go to prison?'.
Unconvincingly mumble you haven't got a telly, nervous because of the bad karma involved in lying.
First attempt diplomacy, then try to get someone else to dispose of the telly so you don't have to get too involved.
Proceed to eat the entire television set.
6. Your place of residence has been declared unsafe to live in and you have been told to vacate. You :
Take to the street and stage a loud public protest, drawing attention to your plight.
Race around your home and smash everything to bits before the authorities can get at it first.
Remain calm, come up with a plan to save the place involving quick talk and bribery.
Stumble up to your room while it's still yours, light some incense, and prepare to kill yourself.
7. You have access to a disliked aquaintance's room. Do you :
Start tidying up without even thinking?
Go through their reading material and censor what you deem fascist?
Set the bed on fire?
Turn it into a roller disco and make a profit?
8. You have invented a potion. It turns people into :
Groovy, 12 armed shoegazers
Cool swinging cats
Young, idealistic anarchists
Axe wielding maniacs
9. The interior decor of you room consists of :
Strewn lingerie
A large handpainted astrological chart
Holes in the plaster
Karl Marx & CND posters
10. Your hair could be best described as :
Stringy and shapeless, as nature intended.
Original yet weird. Creative.
Slick, overstyled, and loaded with hair care products.
A danger to neighbour's eyes, both in colour and shape.
11. While attending college, you manage to pass classes by:
Studying hard in your room while meditating, surrounded by joss sticks and candles.
Conducting dangerous experiments involving chemicals and corpses for extra credit.
Writing papers that suck up to your professor.
Blackmailing the dean and your tutor with damaging photos.
12. You and your roommates are holding a party. You job is to :
Hit on the guests as they arrive.
Whip up some veggie dip out of henna.
Make a hole in the floor by vacuuming too hard.
Direct others while they work, because you're the clever one.
13. When you are bored, you tend to:
Whine to the cosmos at large that you are always bored.
Sit around and try to look cool because your're bored.
Try to engage others in stupid games such as 'Hide & Seek' or 'Monopoly'.
Start hitting others and yourself with shovels, cricket bats, bottles, etc.
Ready to go?